Jacob Wiles, MA, MUKCP

Hey there, I’m Jacob (he/his), I’m a music psychologist based in the UK. I research how music affects the brain, the mind, and the soul.
Formally speaking I’m a music psychologist and trainee psychotherapist, informally speaking I’m a person who has navigated their life via music. I’m striving to bring a more inclusive approach to music engagement.
Music has never been as accessible as it is today, at the touch of a button we can play music and drown out the world. Many of us listen to music on our best days and our worst days, songs can help us reminisce, connect us to others, or shut out the world when it feels too much.
My work focuses on how we use the music we’re listening to, in whatever shape or form that may be, to help us navigate our way through life.

I’m a trans, queer person who has navigated their journey via music.

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Qualifications & Experience
I volunteered with a mental health support service, providing one-to-one befriending services for adults requiring mental health support.
I worked as a research assistant at the University of Leeds. I conducted collaborative and independent research for various projects, moderated online events, produced marketing communications, and distributed resources for the hearing aids charity HAfM.
I graduated with a Master of Arts (First class, MABA Hons) in Music and Music Psychology.
I worked as a domiciliary care professional. Predominantly working with the older population, people with dementia and people requiring physical and mental health support.
I began training as a person-centred and experiential psychotherapist at the Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute. I will graduate with a Master of Science in Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy in 2026.
I provided person-centred therapy for a local NHS Hospice. Working with service users and bereaved relatives.
I provided person-centred therapy for the mental health charity, Mind.
I provided short term person-centred therapy for one of the largest universities in the UK.
Personal Background

A Queer Soul
I have had what feels like a long and challenging journey coming to terms with who I am and what I want to be in this world. I am a proud transgender man and a pansexual human, these days I just call myself queer.
The world feels so much richer to me when I can listen. Listening connects us, it helps us feel the music of life, so I made it my job to listen (I chose to be a psychotherapist!).
I am based in the UK and started The Music Psychotherapist after graduating from my masters degree in 2022.